***If you are my mom, brother, cousin, auntie, under 18, a co-worker, easily offended, extremely religious or anyone else otherwise under the false impression that I'm a sweetheart - then this content is NOT for you! You may exit without reading so that you're not looking at me crooked-eyed later, thank you kindly! ***

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

De Facto Circle Jerks, Stupid Shit and The Confrontational Me...

This week has been a doozy already.  If you're not familiar with my random, you will be soon.

Had a conference on Monday with The Nature Boy and his 7th grade teachers.  I'll share the reason for that conference later when I resume the Nature Boy Series.  For now, let's just say I basically called his Language Arts teacher a liar - because she is, she got snarky and as a result I fully wanted to beat that bitch upside the head with my new Rocket Dog clogs.

And how many times in a week would you imagine one without a penis gets to participate in a circle jerk at the office?   It's only TUESDAY people!!!  And for the record, I'm the one without the penis.  And if you don't know what a circle jerk is, urbandictionary.com should set you straight.  Personally, I like definition number 6.

Tonight my dumbass managed to foursquare myself a little too close to home.  Who does that shit in this day and age of lunatics and people you have to fuck up in the parking lot of Wal-Marts? Then Facebook's "People You May Know" feature presented me with a crazy I knew from back in the day.  Took me a while to get rid of that crazy, so I can only hope that my face didn't show up on HIS page as well.  Now I'm all freaked out and I have to move.  

And did I lose myself?  Again?  The kids are with their father this week.  Until late tomorrow at least.  I have been BORED off my ass.   Since when have I not been able to find something to do?  Read?  Blog?  Shop? Thought about scrubbing floorboards for a quarter of a second, settled on e-screaming at people on FB. 

Now that I think of it, last week was a doozy too.  Got into a couple of Facebook fights.  Yes, it's juvenile.  Yes, I'm better than that.  Yes, I have better things to do... oh wait, see paragraph above.   Actually, neither fight was my fault.  I was just minding my business, fa la la la la, and watching the posts of a hundred other people who didn't have anything better to do either and finally, finally, I couldn't take it anymore.

If you say stupid shit on Facebook, or in the real world even, eventually someone's going to come along and call you on it.  Every now and then, that someone has to be me - because sometimes I have no self-control.   Most of the people on my facebook page are friends or family, but there are more than a couple that I know through the blogging world or some chatroom.  You can't choose your family, your friends are people so near and dear that you tend to overlook a lot of their stupid, but the people you don't know in real life - well, they're fair game.

Stupid shit on FB #1:  FB friend (terribly) misquotes Bill Gates.  More than once.

I responded, short and sweet - "Not Bill Gates.  Check snopes.com"

FB friend responded - "It's still good information, doesn't matter where it came from."

Umm, yeah the hell it does, you dope.  As a teacher and grad student, your ass oughta know better.  Conversation went downhill from there and ended with her calling me a petty, caddy (that's how she spelled it, not me), hater.  THEN it took me the next day and a half to get "Cadillac Car" from Dreamgirls out of my head.  "Got me a Cadillac, Cadillac, Cadillac... got me a Cadillac carrrrrr...."

Stupid Shit on FB #2:  Someone said:  "Kanye West called George Bush a Racist during the Hurricane Katrina telethon."

Umm, no he didn't.  He surely MEANT that George Bush was a racist, he surely wanted to INFER that George Bush is a racist, and if you ask him today, he might flat out tell you that he thinks the Goober is a racist.  However, that ain't what he said in that particular moment in time.  I am no Kanye fan, I think he's an ass, but if you're going to play the he-said-she-said race card, get that shit right.

The poster replied with a textbook definition of racist.  "Racism is defined as the hatred or intolerance of other races.  So yes, Kanye West DID say that George Bush was a racist." 

What the hell kinda math is that?  How do you get from one sentence to the other?  What he said and what he inferred is two different things.  And thanks for defining racist for me, after 34 years of being black - and I mean failed-paper-bag-test black, I really had no idea!!!

Well, conversation deteriorated from there and ended up with the poster calling me a ghetto baby-mama mad at the world because my welfare check hadn't arrived on time and telling me to get a dictionary and an education. 

Life would be less adventurous if I knew how to shut my mouth, wouldn't it? 

I should go to bed.  

And why is this heifer upstairs vacuuming her floor at 10:35 at night?  Do that shit in the daytime (or don't do it at all)... like normal people. 




  1. J*Carter11/24/2010

    U had me at "circle jerk" lol

    So, ummm, this person who called u a ghetto baby mama .....is she/he black? Im just askin....

  2. Anonymous1/19/2011

    Love to still read your Blogs
