***If you are my mom, brother, cousin, auntie, under 18, a co-worker, easily offended, extremely religious or anyone else otherwise under the false impression that I'm a sweetheart - then this content is NOT for you! You may exit without reading so that you're not looking at me crooked-eyed later, thank you kindly! ***

Friday, June 25, 2010

Yeah, I Still Stuff My Bra...

I had  the hardest time picking a shirt this morning.  It's been 1000 degrees lately so I wanted to wear something I'd be cool in while outside.  While it's 20 below in the office which is where I'll be for most of the day, walking outside on my lunch hour in a long sleeve shirt just will not do.  Also, the company is treating us to a baseball game tonight at the Knights Stadium and I don't know if I'll have time to get home and change. 

The shirt I picked is one in which I need to wear a strapless bra under it.  If you don't know already, I have a hard enough time finding enough breast to fill a bra with straps, so a strapless bra is an extreme pain in the ass.  Unless I buy it super small, most times the elastic in the bra is simply not enough to hold it up and it ends up sliding down throughout the day and I gotta stay on a vigilant nipple watch. 

Yep, that's what boobs are for - to hold your bra in place. 

Shut up. 

I have some pads that I removed from previous bras that weren't up to the task of boosting/padding these babies sufficiently, so today, I admit, I have stuffed my strapless bra - double layers. 

I would say "Don't judge me!", but there's really no need.  I know some of you have enough cleavage that you've never felt the need to self-enhance, but I also know that some of you are just. like. me.  Padded. 

Judging by the picture I'm looking like a comfortable C cup (alright, alright, C-) right now rather than a B-.  But understand, now I'm no longer just on nipple watch, I'm also constantly checking to make sure my pads don't fall out.  Help a sista out.  If you see a breast that looks lower or higher than the other, misshapen, or just downright odd, pull me to the side and let me know so I can re-adjust or replace.  And if you see a bra pad laying on the floor by my cubicle and I'm not around, just pick it up and put it in my inbox.  

Us girls, we gotta stick together. 



  1. perfect just da way u are!

    -RAP, II

  2. Anonymous6/25/2010


  3. Needs More Cowbell6/25/2010

    I'll tell you when your bodacious ta-ta's are all misshapen and discombobulated.

    Where's that new game?
