***If you are my mom, brother, cousin, auntie, under 18, a co-worker, easily offended, extremely religious or anyone else otherwise under the false impression that I'm a sweetheart - then this content is NOT for you! You may exit without reading so that you're not looking at me crooked-eyed later, thank you kindly! ***

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Things That Make You Go Hmmm....

This guy at work sent me this video which only a true nerd could appreciate...

Some comments and observations...

1. Yes, I watched the entire thing... I'm a nerd, I was enthralled.

2. My thoughts ranged from:

...a. This guy's got talent!

...b. This guy's got way too much time on his hands!

...c. This guy needs to get a job!

and finally to:

... d. Maybe this is his job! Perhaps he is a professional Pool Stick Kissing Falling Dominoer.

Because I was bored, I wondered how popular this phenomena is, Falling Dominoing. (Also I wanted to find the proper terminoligy and spelling so I can stop sounding stoopid.)

....Ok so there is no proper terminoligy, maybe "Domino Toppling", but I don't really like that so I will continue making up words.Great.

Now, I did find out that Falling Domino Competitions pretty much all started with this guy, Mr. Domino, and here is an article which I found funny only because it relays the total seriousness of the sport of Domino Competition.

Then I vaguely remember some scene in some movie in which 3 or 4 cornrowed guys are sitting around a card table playing "Bones." My next question was: "Why we gotta ebonicalize every word we come across?"

So I googled "Why Dominoes gotta be called bones?", ok maybe not that phrase exactly but something similar...and I was referred to This Site Right Hurrr. So they used to be made of real animal bones or Ivory until we humans, as usual, started killing off elephants and other large mammals to near extinction. Now they're made out of just about any material but Ivory. The Dominoes used for competition are made out of whichever material suits the particular design and are often handcrafted and positioned piece by piece. Can you imagine? Setting up 4 gajillion dominoes just so you can flip something that triggers something else that pushes something else and finally displaces something else so that all your 4 gajillion dominoes fall down in sequence? Beautiful!!

Anyway, one of my questions about Dominoes in regards to their origination (thought to be 12th Century China), led me to other questions about one of my favorite games which originated in China as well, Mahjongg.

I did launch another browser to search for Mahjongg shit till I decided neither topic is interesting enough for me to stay here at work past 3:45 on a Friday. I'm ghost.

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